Curation Policy

The team at Crafting News are constantly scouring the internet for our favorite crafting techniques, tutorials, videos, products and patterns to share with our readers.  When we find something we love, naturally we want to share it and the internet was established on that very basis – the sourcing and sharing of knowledge and information. And of course cat videos – we all love those.

Our aim is to help bloggers and designers get their content in front of a wider audience of craft fans who are just looking for your patterns and tutorials but haven’t come across you yet. We’ll sometimes use an excerpt of your article to describe a pattern in your own words, and will always link back to the original source material or to your pattern download page to give you full credit, send our readers over to your site or store, and help independent pattern designers get more sales.

We share it because we love it and we think our readers will too. Our readers also then go on to share it on social media and Pinterest to bring in even more readers to your article and buyers to your pattern store.

Most bloggers and designers are delighted at the prospect of a link back to their site or pattern store. However if you prefer not to have your content linked and shared on any of the Crafting News sites, just let us know.  We will remove all such content immediately and mark up our records not to share your content again.  Just drop us an email via the little envelope in the social sharing icons, or drop us a line via the Contact Us form.


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49 Friendship Bracelet Patterns

49 Friendship Bracelet Patterns

Friendship bracelet patterns were traditionally made with embroidery floss. There are now countless designs and patterns that use anything from floss and leather to beads and paracord. If you have tried any how to make friendship bracelets for beginners, you know how...

18 Stylish Waistcoat Patterns

18 Stylish Waistcoat Patterns

Waistcoats are not something you wear every day, but they are a nice piece to have in your wardrobe. The waistcoat adds dimension to an outfit and creates a dignified appearance. If you are looking for a simple way to dress up your wardrobe, take a look at our list of...

12 Macrame Dog Toys

12 Macrame Dog Toys

Just because your dogs spend 90% of their day thinking about playing with toys doesn't mean you have to go out to buy one. With a few spare items from your last macrame projects and knotting skills, you can make these macrame dog toy patterns that your dog is sure to...

21 Buffet Dress Patterns 

21 Buffet Dress Patterns 

Have you heard of the buffet dress? Lately, it has become extremely popular. The buffet dress has a relaxed fit and floaty design. It is perfect for relaxing, working, and even shopping. It has become a staple for women that work from home. If you are searching for a...

25 Swimsuit Sewing Patterns

25 Swimsuit Sewing Patterns

If you're having trouble finding a swimsuit that "suits" you just right, endlessly shopping online isn't your only option—you can make one, instead! With options to customize your suit through style, surface pattern, and fabric type, how could you not give these...

20 DIY Luggage Tag Ideas

20 DIY Luggage Tag Ideas

Always tag your luggage, folks! While there are plenty of tags out there to buy, we always prefer the DIY route. So we've rounded up a few DIY luggage tag ideas for your inspiration. There really is a tag to suit every traveler.Whether taking a summer road trip or...